Toronto, Canada

As a amateur hockey player I traveled to Toronto, Canada for a long weekend to play in a Tournament (Can-Am Tournament) against a Canadian Team.  I was to stay with a host family from the Canadian Team and play 3 games against the same team within the weekend.  In the final game in Canada I was awarded the Sportsmanship Award for my Sportsmanship throughout the weekend, this award was chosen by the Canadian Teams Coaches and was quite an honor to win.  The weekend was full of activities with the host family including a trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame.  The following weekend the same Canadian Team came down to Pittsburgh to play the remainder of the Tournament.  The same player that I stayed with in Canada was assigned to stay with me in my house.  A great friendship developed out of this Tournament.  I was very happy to have participated and be able to put my skills up against those of similarly aged Canadian Players.